Face Painting Options
Face Painter
Crowntastic Painter
$180 for the first hour
$150/hour after
Up to 12 kids/hour
Character Painter
$275 for the first hour
$220/hour after
Up to 8 kids/hour
Package add on
Crowntastic Painter
Up to 12 kids/hour
Character Painter
Up to 8 kids/hour
Best of both worlds
Character Training
x1 Activity
Face Painting (up to 8 kids)
Sing Happy birthday
90 Minute Character package
$415 - 1 character
Simple 1-stroke designs
Add 2 simple 1-stroke designs to your chosen character entertainment package
Default options are: Rainbow or Spider-Web Please let us know if you’d wish to change the design option. (Your wish will depend on the staff member attending the party)
$5/child up to 10 kids - 1 hour or 90 min package